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1st Printed Edition

Kenhub Atlas of Human Anatomy

Your physical companion to master your anatomy studies. Pocket sized, yet comprehensively detailed.

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Essentials extracted

Efficiently memorize crucial information with easily digestible facts tables that provide high-yield data

Beyond the paper

Unlock deeper insights with QR codes, granting access to comprehensive and in-depth information


Experience greater diversity and inclusivity in our illustrations, reflecting various genders and ethnic backgrounds

High quality

Confidently trust our top-tier images, rooted in academic literature and research, validated by experts, and relied upon by millions

All You Need, in Hand

We've dissected and simplified complex subjects, making it easy for you to grasp both the fundamentals and more advanced concepts.

Immerse yourself in the intricacies of anatomy with our realistic yet simplified illustrations, enabling effortless comprehension of even the most complex details. Enhanced by introductory material, in-depth explanations, and concise facts tables, our content allows you to concentrate on the essentials. Plus, our intuitive navigation system ensures swift access to precisely what you seek.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1
  1. Terminology
Chapter 2
Upper limb
  1. Overview
  2. Shoulder and arm
  3. Elbow and forearm
  4. Wrist and hand
  5. Nerves and vessels
Chapter 3
Lower limb
  1. Overview
  2. Hip and thigh
  3. Knee and leg
  4. Ankle and foot
  5. Nerves and vessels
Chapter 4
Spine and back
  1. Overview
  2. Spine
  3. Back
Chapter 5
  1. Thoracic wall
  2. Female breast
  3. Mediastinum
  4. Lungs
  5. Heart
Chapter 6
  1. Abdominal wall
  2. Peritoneum
  3. Stomach
  4. Liver
  5. Pancreas
  6. Small intestine
  7. Large intestine
  8. Kidneys and ureters
  9. Nerves, vessels and lymphatics of the abdomen
Chapter 7
Pelvis and perineum
  1. Pelvic girdle and floor
  2. Female pelvis and reproductive organs
  3. Male pelvis and reproductive organs
  4. Urinary bladder and urethra
  5. Perineum
  6. Nerves, vessels and lymphatics of the pelvis
Chapter 8
Head and neck
  1. Overview
  2. Skull
  3. Face and scalp
  4. Infratemporal region and pterygopalatine fossa
  5. Orbit and contents
  6. Nasal region
  7. Ear
  8. Oral cavity
  9. Teeth
  10. Pharynx
  11. Neck
Chapter 9
  1. Cerebrum
  2. Brainstem and cerebellum
  3. Meninges and ventricles of the brain
  4. Blood supply of the brain
  5. Spinal cord
  6. Cranial nerves

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“The Kenhub modules are very effective - my students perform very well on assessments in response to using them. I essentially have replaced an old outdated textbook with this contemporary learning resource. I couldn’t say enough good things”
Mike Pascoe
Anatomy professor
“Some of the clearest and easiest to understand anatomy images I was coming across were all from Kenhub, so I started using them exclusively for our anatomy lessons”
Eric Fajardo
Athletic Trainer, Montwood High School, El Paso, Texas

Every nuance of anatomy illustrated, now at your fingertips - order today!