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Are you color blind and need to learn anatomy or histology?

First anatomy and histology learning tool optimized for color blindness

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Distinguish every anatomical structure

One out of twelve men suffers from color blindness and can't clearly distinguish structures in anatomy illustrations. This makes studying anatomy and histology a difficult task, especially when it comes to learning the details.

Speed up your learning

Take advantage of the full collection of images and quizzes that will help you learn anatomy and histology efficiently. Be prepared for your next anatomy exam and get the grade that you always wanted. Stay ahead of the curve!

Perfect for protanopia, deuteranopia and tritanopia

Adapt your learning experience to your color vision deficiency. Browse through our atlas, read an article or take a quiz.

Your color blindness will no longer be an obstacle to learning anatomy.

Over 5,000 illustrations and 500+ quizzes optimized for your learning needs. Start now and register for free.

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