Lower limb: want to learn more about it?
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Lower limb
Before we examine the lower limb in detail, let’s take a look at the main bones, muscles, vessels and nerves of the lower limb.
Regions of the lower limbOverview of the regions of the lower limb.
Main bones of the lower limbMajor bones of the hip, thigh, leg and foot.
Main muscles of the lower limbMajor muscles of the hip, thigh, leg and foot.
Main arteries of the lower limbMajor arteries of the hip, thigh, leg and foot.
Main veins of the lower limbMajor veins and tributaries that drain the lower limb.
Main nerves of the lower limbMajor nerves of the hip, thigh, leg and foot.
Hip and thigh
The framework of the hip and thigh is defined by the bony pelvis and femur. Bones, blood vessels and nerves attach to and pass alongside these bones.
FemurOverview of the anatomy of the femur.
Hip boneOverview of the bones and bony landmarks of the hip bone.
Hip jointOverview of the bones and ligaments of the hip joint.
Muscles of the hip and thighOverview of the muscles of the hip and thigh.
Knee and leg
The leg is defined by the tibia, fibula and several associated muscles. It is connected to the thigh via the knee joint.
Tibia and fibulaOverview of the anatomy of the tibia and fibula.
Knee jointOverview of the anatomy of the knee joint.
Muscles of the legOverview of the muscles of the leg and knee.
Ankle and foot
The ankle is a region where the leg and foot meet. Both the ankle and foot are comprised of many structures including bones, muscles, blood vessels and nerves.
Bones of the footOverview of the main bones of the foot.
TalusTalus seen from lateral, medial, inferior and superior views.
CalcaneusCalcaneus seen from lateral, medial, inferior and superior views.
Ankle jointOverview of the bones and ligaments of the ankle joint.
Joints and ligaments of the footOverview of the main joints and ligaments of the foot.
Muscles of the footOverview of the muscles of the foot.
Nerves and vessels
The lower limbs are comprised of many structures supplied and innervated by arteries, veins and nerves of this region.
Neurovasculature of the hip and thighOverview of the nerves, arteries and veins of the hip and thigh.
Femoral artery and its branchesOverview of the femoral artery and its branches.
Sciatic nerve and its branchesOverview of the sciatic nerve and its branches from a posterior view.
Neurovasculature of the leg and kneeOverview of the arteries, veins and nerves of the leg and knee.
Arteries and nerves of the footOverview of the main arteries and nerves of the foot.
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