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Body systems
Nervous system
In this chapter we will describe the microscopic appearance of the various parts of the brain and the spinal cord.
Cerebral cortexHistology of the different layers and cell types of the cerebral cortex.
Hippocampal regionHistology of the hippocampal region.
CerebellumHistology of the cerebellar cortex and white matter.
Medulla oblongataCross-sectional histology of the medulla oblongata.
Spinal cordTake a look at the cross-sectional slice of the spinal cord under the microscope.
Cardiovascular system
In this chapter, we will describe the microscopic appearance and histological features of the cardiovascular system.
BloodMicroscopic appearance of the blood.
Bone marrowHistological features of the bone marrow
Blood vesselsClose up view of an artery and a vein in cross-section.
HeartDetailed microscopic anatomy of the heart.
Integumentary system
In this chapter we will explore the histological features of the parts of the integumentary system.
SkinGeneral histology of the skin.
Sweat glandsHistological appearance of the sweat glands.
Peripheral mechanoreceptorsHistology of the peripheral mechanoreceptors.
Scalp and hairHistological features of the scalp and hair.
Urinary system
Histological features of the urinary organs.
Kidney: Cortex, medulla and pelvisHistology of the renal cortex, medulla and pelvis.
Kidney: Nephron and juxtaglomerular apparatusHistology of the nephron and juxtaglomerular apparatus.
UretersHistology of the ureter and its parts.
Urinary bladder and urethraHistology of the urinary bladder and urethra.
Digestive system
Cells and tissues of the digestive system.
Tongue and epiglottisHistological properties of the tongue and epiglottis.
Gingiva and teethHistology of the gingiva (gums) and teeth.
Salivary glandsHistology of the salivary glands.
EsophagusHistological features of the esophagus.
StomachHave a thorough look at stomach under the microscope.
PancreasMicroscopic anatomy of the exocrine and endocrine pancreas.
Small intestineHistology of the small intestine.
Large intestine (colon)Histology of the different parts of the large intestine (colon).
LiverHistology of the liver, the largest compound gland.
GallbladderHistological features of the gallbladder.
Vermiform appendixHistology of the vermiform appendix.
Lymphoid system
The lymphoid system consists of groups of cells, tissues, and organs that react to the presence of potentially harmful substances.
Lymph nodeMicroscopic anatomy details of a lymph node.
TonsilsDistinctive histological hallmarks of the tonsils.
ThymusHistological structure and features of the thymus.
SpleenHistology of the spleen, the largest lymphoid organ of the human body.
Male reproductive system
Histological features of the organs of the male reproductive system.
TestisMicroscopic structure of the testis.
EpididymisHistological features of the epididymis.
Spermatic cordDifferent components of the spermatic cord under the microscope.
PenisCross-sectional microscopic anatomy of the human penis.
ProstateTake a thorough look at the prostate under the microscope.
Female reproductive system
Histological features of the female reproductive organs.
Mammary glandHistology of the mammary glands.
OvaryHistology of the ovaries at different stages of development.
Uterine tubeHistology of the uterine tubes and their parts.
Uterine wallHistology of the uterine wall during different phases of the menstrual cycle.
Cervix of uterusHistology of the cervix of the uterus and its parts.
PlacentaHistology of the placenta and its parts.
Eye and ear
Histological features of the eye and ear.
Cornea and ciliary bodyHistological features of the cornea and ciliary body.
RetinaLayers and cells of the retina as seen in cross section and in histological slides.
Eyelid and conjunctivaCharacteristics of the eyelid and conjunctiva under the microscope.
EarTake a look at the inner ear under the microscope.
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