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Recommended video: Bone tissue formation [14:07]
Histological appearance of bone tissue formation.

Osteoid, which translates to mean 'like bone' is defined as unmineralized bone tissue and is a key structure in the development of mature mineralized bone.

Bone specific cells, known as osteoblasts secrete type I collagen and bone matrix proteins. Secreted collagen and bone matrix proteins form a complex interwoven network known as osteoid, creating the foundation of bone. 

Osteoid eventually undergoes calcification and mineralization to form lamellae or layers in the bone matrix. This process constitutes the development of the hardened material recognized as mineralized bone.

Terminology English: Osteoid
Latin: Osteoideum
Synonym: Preosseous matrix
Definition Unmineralized bone tissue made up of an interwoven network of type I collagen and bone matrix proteins. 

Take a closer look at the formation of bone tissue using the study unit below. 

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