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Bulb of vestibule

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The bulb of vestibule, also called the vestibular bulb, is an elongated mass of erectile tissue that lies on each side of the vestibule of the vulva, just lateral to the vaginal opening. It is situated deep to the labia minora and lies directly on the inferior surface of the perineal membrane.

Each bulb of vestibule measures about 3 cm in length. It has an expanded posterior end which contacts the greater vestibular gland, and a tapered anterior end which unites with the anterior end of the contralateral bulb by a narrow commisure, and then extends anteriorly to join the clitoris. The posterolateral aspect of the bulb of vestibule is covered by the bulbospongiosus muscle.

The bulb of vestibule becomes engorged with blood during sexual arousal and is believed to aid in the compression of the greater vestibular glands which secrete lubricating mucus into the vestibule of the vulva.

Terminology English: Bulb of vestibule
Synonym: Clitoral bulb, vestibular bulb, corpus spongiosum of clitoris, vestibulovaginal bulb

Latin: Bulbus vestibuli
Synonym: Bulbus clitoridis, corpus spongiosum clitoridis
Definition Erectile tissue within the female genitalia
Function Sexual arousal and lubrication of the vestibule

Learn more about the bulbs of the vestibule in the following study unit:

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