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Learn the muscles of the leg fast with these quizzes, diagrams and labeling exercises

Recommended video: Muscles of the leg [18:35]
Attachments, innervation and functions of the muscles of the leg

What do you think of when you hear the words “muscles of the leg”? Do you visualise all of the muscles from the thigh down to the ankle? In fact, the muscles of the leg refer to the muscles found in the region between the knee and foot

In this article, we’re going to be teaching you about every last one of them, including their individual names, origins, insertions, innervations and functions. For this we’ll be using a mixture of videos, leg muscle diagrams, and muscle labeling quizzes. Let’s get started.

Unlabeled diagram showing the muscles of the leg (download free PDF below!)
  1. Anatomy overview
  2. Diagram and muscle labeling quiz
    1. Leg muscles labeled
  3. Interactive muscles of the leg quizzes
  4. Sources
+ Show all

Anatomy overview

Have a look at the table below, which lists the three compartments of the leg and their respective vascularization and innervation.

Muscles of the leg: Key facts
Anterior (dorsiflexor) compartment Tibialis anterior
Extensor digitorum longus
Extensor hallucis longus
Fibularis tertius
Posterior (plantar flexor) compartment Superficial muscle group:
- gastrocnemius
- soleus
Deep muscle group:
- popliteus
- flexor digitorum longus
- flexor hallucis longus
- tibialis posterior
Lateral (fibular) compartment Fibularis longus
Fibularis brevis
Vascularization Anterior compartment: anterior tibial artery
Posterior compartment: posterior tibial artery
Lateral compartment: fibular artery
Innervation     Anterior compartment: deep fibular nerve 
Posterior compartment: tibial nerve
Lateral compartment: superficial fibular nerve

Each compartment has its own set of functions, from plantar flexion and dorsiflexion of the foot and toes, to stabilization of the ankle joint and maintenance of the body’s balance. However, the primary function of each compartment is the most important thing to keep in mind. 

Diagram and muscle labeling quiz

Hopefully you’re now feeling more confident on the anatomy of the leg muscles, but simultaneously a little overwhelmed by everything you’ve just learned? Don’t panic, we’re now going to continue building your knowledge with our muscle labeling quiz.

Leg muscles labeled

Take a look at the leg muscles diagram below, where you see each muscle clearly labeled. Spend some time revising this diagram by connecting the name and location of each structure with what you’ve just learned in the video. The aim of this exercise is to improve your confidence in identifying different structures. If you have a cadaver exam, this is a highly important skill to work on!

When you’re ready, you can try labeling all of these structures yourself on the unlabeled version of the diagram. Download the free PDF underneath and see how you go. Don’t worry if it feels difficult, this is just an initial warm up to get your brain working! In the final step, we’ll identify and fill in any holes in your knowledge.


Interactive muscles of the leg quizzes

You’ve finished the muscle labeling quiz, now it’s time to take things to the next level with our selection of interactive leg muscles quizzes.

What makes these quizzes the ultimate way to make knowledge stick? They allow you to test your knowledge from every angle. If your identification skills are strong but your ability to connect anatomy with clinical practice needs some work, our clinical question banks can help. If it’s the opposite, you can improve your skills with our basic and advanced identification quizzes. 

And if you want a quiz which focuses exclusively on muscle origins, insertions, innervations and functions? Look no further than our specialized muscle quizzes. Intrigued? Explore them for yourself! Just click the “Start” button below to get started.

Don't waste your time trying to memorize every anatomical structure in the body. Pick the ones you need to ace your exam. Our Custom quiz will let you create the right quiz for you. Get started now!

Well done, you’re finished! If you still need some practice, don’t hesitate to take the quizzes and rewatch the video several times. The muscles of the leg is a big topic, so take your time to learn it fully.

If you enjoyed learning the muscles of the leg with our quizzes and labeling exercises, look no further than our library of free quiz guides on tricky exam topics like the cranial nerves, bones of the skull and reproductive systems.

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