Ligand-gated ion channels
Ligand-gated ion channels, or ionotropic receptors, are integral proteins of the cell membrane that undergo activation upon binding to specific signaling molecules known as ligands.
This interaction takes place at a binding domain of the channel, facilitating the passage of ions through the channel's pore. Ion movement follows the electrochemical gradient with no energy cost required.
The primary role of these channels is to facilitate the chemical transmission of signals to cells, particularly in neurons, in which ionotropic neurotransmitter receptors demonstrate remarkable precision and speed.
Structure | Transmembrane proteins consisting of subunits. Functional regions: - ligand-binding domain - channel pore |
Ligands | Chemical molecules that bind and activate ligand-gated ion channels, mainly neurotransmitters (e.g. glutamate, GABA and acetylcholine). |
Selectivity |
Selectivity for the ligand: - affinity of the ligand to the receptor Selectivity for the ions: - pore lining - ion size and electrical charge - pore size Most of these channels exhibit high specificity for their ligands and the type of ions they transmit (anions or cations), but they are generally non-selective for a specific ion. |
Permeability | Ligand binding induces conformational changes in the channels, allowing ions to pass through their pore. In non-selective channels, various ions traverse in different ratios owing to their electrochemical equilibrium, termed as reversal potential. |
Ligand-gated ion channels are proteins embedded in the phospholipid bilayer of the cell membrane, typically composed of three to five subunits.
Each subunit comprises polypeptide chains that traverse the membrane multiple times. Depending on the amino acid sequence, which may be identical or varied in each subunit, the subunits assemble into homomultimers or heteromultimers, respectively.
The channel's overall structure encompasses two distinct functional domains: the ligand-binding domain and the transmembrane domain.
Ligand-binding domain
The ligand-binding domain represents the specific region of the protein where the ligand engages in a lock-and-key configuration with the binding subunit. Typically situated on the surface of the channel, it is oriented toward the extracellular space, providing readily accessibility to the chemical ligand.
Channel pore
The channel pore is the membrane-spanning structure formed by protein subunits. The arrangement of the transmembrane subunits and their polypeptide segments creates an ion-conducting pore at the center of the configuration. The composition and number of segments crossing the membrane vary across different types of ionotropic receptors. The channel pore serves as the pathway through which ions flow in and out of the cell.
Ligands that bind and activate ligand-gated ion channels are chemical molecules, with neurotransmitters being the primary representatives for the synapses of the nervous system. These molecules encompass a diverse range of substances, including amino acids, amines, acetylcholine, peptides, purines, bases and lipids. Some of the most common neurotransmitters include:
- Glutamate: This molecule is the most prevalent neurotransmitter among neuronal synapses and has an affinity for cation-selective channels. Ionotropic glutamate receptors are composed of four subunits, which can form either homotetramers (with identical subunits) or heterotetramers (with different subunits). When the neurotransmitter binds to the receptor, it triggers the opening of the channel and the influx of Na+ ions. This increase in intracellular Na+ concentration moves the membrane potential closer to the threshold, making glutamate-selective receptors excitatory in nature.
- Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA): GABA serves as the principal inhibitory neurotransmitter within the central nervous system, with an affinity for anion-selective channels. Ionotropic GABA receptors are heteropentamers, formed by different combinations of four subunits (α, β, γ, δ). Upon binding of GABA to its ionotropic receptor, the associated channel undergoes activation, facilitating the permeation of chloride anions. This leads to an increase in intracellular anion concentration, hyperpolarizing the membrane and inhibiting neuron activation.
- Acetylcholine: Present in both the central and peripheral nervous systems, including the neuromuscular junction and the autonomic nervous system, acetylcholine serves as a neurotransmitter that can activate ion channels in the postsynaptic membrane. The ionotropic acetylcholine receptors, also known as nicotinic receptors, function as non-selective cation channels. Comprising five different subunits (2α, β, γ, δ), these receptors form a heteropentamer configuration. Upon activation, these receptors initiate the opening of pores, resulting in an influx of cations, predominantly Na+. This influx contributes to the depolarization of the membrane potential. Thus, acetylcholine is recognized as an excitatory neurotransmitter.
The selectivity of ligand-gated ion channels extends to both the ligands that activate them and the ions that can pass through them. While most channels exhibit high specificity for their ligands and the type of ions they transmit, anions or cations, they are generally non-selective for a specific ion. This selectivity is achieved through several mechanisms.
- Affinity of the ligand to the receptor: The interaction between an ion channel and a ligand is characterized by a high degree of precision, dependent on their affinity. This interaction resembles a lock-and-key configuration between the ligand and the binding domain of the channel.
- Selectivity filter lining: Cation-selective receptors typically exhibit a negative charge lining on the wall of the pore, while anion-selective receptors present a positive charge lining. This arrangement ensures that only ions of the opposite charge are allowed to pass through the channel.
- Size and electrical charge of the ions: The atomic radius and electric charge of ions influence the selectivity of channels. Small ions may encounter difficulty passing through pores with large diameters, as they have limited interaction with the channel's walls. Conversely, large ions may struggle to pass through small pores due to their size. Additionally, the electrical charge of ions affects selectivity. Ions with smaller atomic radius exhibit higher charge density, resulting in a stronger attraction to water molecules and the formation of a hydration shell. This shell further impacts their ability to pass through the channel.
Diameter of the pore
The width of the pore affects the ion permeability through the channel. Generally, the smaller the diameter of the pore, the higher the selectivity of the channel. Additionally, the surrounding hydration shell of the ions affects selectivity, meaning that some hydrated ions have to discard water molecules in order to obtain the right size to pass through the channel.
Upon binding to the appropriate ligand, the associated channel undergoes a conformational change, facilitating the passage of ions across the cell membrane.
In the nervous system, the predominant ions traversing the cell membrane are sodium, calcium and potassium cations, as well as Cl- anions. Ligand-gated ion channels can exhibit either cation selectivity or anion selectivity, depending on the electrical charge lining the channel pore. However, many channels are not exclusively selective for one specific ion. For example, the N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor (also known as NMDAR), a type of ionotropic glutamate receptors, permits the flow of Na+, Ca2+and K+ ions.
Activation of cation selective receptors, like ionotropic glutamate receptors, commonly leads to an intracellular accumulation of positive ions that shifts the membrane potential toward the threshold. Therefore, cation selective channels are considered to be excitatory. On the contrary, anion selective receptors, exemplified by those binding GABA, are considered to be inhibitory. The influx of anions elevates the concentration of negative ions within the cell, inducing membrane hyperpolarization.
However, it should be noted that all cations do not diffuse in equal numbers through the non-selective ligand-gated cation channels. This asymmetry is attributed to the reversal potential of the cell membrane. According to this phenomenon, each cation has an equilibrium potential, representing the point at which there is no net flow of ions in or out of the cell. The equilibrium is maintained by the symmetrical influence of electrochemical gradients acting on the ions. In the case of non-selective receptors permeable to multiple cations, the respective equilibrium potential is called reversal potential. The reversal potential is found somewhere in between the equilibria of permeable cations, signifying the point at which concentration and electrical gradient secure an equal influx across the membrane and zero alteration in membrane potential.
Chemical synapse
Ligand-gated ion channels are extensively distributed throughout the central and peripheral nervous systems, primarily located in the postsynaptic cell membrane of chemical synapses, where they regulate signal transduction and ion flow. These channels play a crucial role in transmitting information across synapses by responding to chemical stimuli, leading either to depolarization of the postsynaptic membrane, known as excitatory postsynaptic potential (EPSP), or to its hyperpolarization, known as inhibitory postsynaptic potential (IPSP). One prominent example of their function occurs at the neuromuscular junction, where motor neurons form synapses with muscle fibers. When an electrical impulse reaches the presynaptic terminal of the motor axon, the neurotransmitter acetylcholine is released into the synaptic cleft, where it binds to postsynaptic receptors. This interaction activates ligand-gated ion channels, also known as ionotropic receptors, resulting in the influx of Na+ ions into the postsynaptic membrane, facilitating excitation of the muscle fiber.
Long term potentiation/depression
In addition to their role in impulse conduction, ligand-gated ion channels play a crucial role in modulating signal strength within the nervous system through processes known as long-term potentiation (LTP) and long-term depression (LTD). During LTP, repeated excitation of a synapse causes an accumulation of neurotransmitters in the synaptic cleft, leading to an increase in postsynaptic receptors. This augmentation strengthens the synaptic connection, thereby enhancing the efficiency of information transmission. Conversely, in LTD, the number of postsynaptic receptors decreases, reducing the availability for signal transmission and weakening the synaptic connection. In both cases, ligand-gated ion channels play a pivotal role in regulating the intensity of information propagation.
Ionotropic vs metabotropic receptors
In contrast to ligand-gated ion channels, which exhibit high affinity only for specific ligands, each ligand can bind to various receptors. Ionotropic and metabotropic receptors are the two main types of ligand receptors found on the surface of neurons, each type playing distinct roles in cellular signaling.
Ionotropic receptors are fast-acting ligand-gated ion channels that directly control ion passage upon binding with neurotransmitters. When a neurotransmitter binds to an ionotropic receptor, the receptor undergoes a conformational change that opens an ion channel, allowing ions to flow into or out of the cell. This rapid influx or efflux of ions results in a quick change in the cell's membrane potential, leading to fast synaptic transmission.
In contrast, metabotropic receptors are slower-acting receptors that indirectly modulate ion channels through intracellular signaling pathways. Upon neurotransmitter binding, metabotropic receptors activate a series of intracellular signaling cascades involving second messengers and protein kinases, ultimately leading to changes in gene expression, enzyme activity or ion channel function.
While ionotropic receptors mediate fast, transient responses, metabotropic receptors are involved in more prolonged and modulatory effects on cellular function, contributing to various physiological processes such as synaptic plasticity, learning, and memory. Thus, the interplay between ionotropic and metabotropic receptors allows for the precise regulation of neuronal activity and the integration of complex signaling pathways in the nervous system.
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