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Recommended video: Eyeball [25:37]
Structure of the eyeball seen in a transverse section.

The retina constitutes the inner layer (internal tunic) of the eyeball, found anterior to the choroid and posterior to the vitreous body. It starts the posterior surface of the eyeball and terminates anteriorly at the ora serrata. The function of the retina is to convert visual stimuli from the outside environment into neural impulses that are transmitted to the cerebral cortex via the optic nerve for interpretation and analysis.

The retina is composed of epithelial, glial, and neural cells that are organized into 10 distinctive layers. Out of these, the first 9 layers belong to the inner neurosensory retina, one of which are the photoreceptors that are sensitive to light. The 10th layer constitutes the outer retinal pigmented epithelium (RPE), which serves to absorb light that passes through the retina and prevent it from reflecting back to the neurosensory layer.

Terminology English: Retina
: Retina
Location Anterior to the choroid, posterior to the vitreous body
Structure Neurosensory retina, retinal pigmented epithelium (RPE)
Function Converting visual stimuli from outside environment into neural impulses that are transmitted via the optic nerve to the cerebral cortex.

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