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Review: Anatomy on the go app for iOS

Anatomy on the Go is an app for iPhone and iPad released by Thieme Medical Publishers based on the flashcards, which have the same name. It features 367 illustrations from the popular THIEME Atlas of Anatomy showing the human anatomy from head to toe including the musculoskeletal system, internal organs, and neuroanatomy.

Anatomy on the Go: pros and cons
Pros Efficient browsing, filter feature, labels, beautiful images, quizzes
Cons Insufficient pre-saved labels, flashcards appear randomly, difficult registration

In this article, you'll find out the good, the bad, and the ugly aspects of 'Anatomy on the Go', which will allow you to decide if this resource will suit your future anatomy needs.

  1. Pros
    1. Simple and convenient
    2. Beautiful illustrations
  2. Cons
    1. Lack of details
    2. Random flashcards
    3. Confusing to register
  3. Conclusion
  4. Sources
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Simple and convenient

It is very easy to browse through images. You can either view the cards by category or type in the name of the structure you are looking for in the index. All images have labels identifying the most important structures and it is even possible to create and name your own pinpoints. Some cards contain comments or examples of clinical applications, however, the texts are usually short.

Beautiful illustrations

The illustrations of AOG are quite colorful and aesthetically pleasing, and you can simply zoom in and out by using your fingers. In the end, after studying the images, you can switch from study to quiz mode and test yourself.


Lack of details

Even though the illustrations themselves are detailed, the pre-saved labels are incomplete in comparison to the original THIEME Atlas of Anatomy. It seems as if many structures were not marked for the sake of clarity. This way, however, the ambitious learner is forced to manually label all the necessary structures by himself in order to turn this app into a useful learning tool. Additionally, there are not enough images showing the various angles of the body, which is why the complementary use of a second atlas becomes inevitable for further understanding.

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Random flashcards

The provided information in the flashcards does not follow a pattern but seems to be randomly chosen. It would have been much more helpful if the cards came along with structured information in forms of tables instead (e.g. origin and insertion of muscles or branches of arteries and nerves).

Confusing to register

Another point that has been also criticized by users is that one has to register and log on an Epocrates account (developer of Anatomy on the Go) in order to be able to use this app.

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