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Looking for a Kenhub app?

Recommended video: Daily Anatomy App [02:00]
Overview of how to use and where to find our Daily Anatomy app.

A lot of our customers come to us with the same question every week: do you have a Kenhub app? Well, we do have a small app to share with you, so if you're curious... read on!

Pros and features of Kenhub
Kenhub website Fully responsive, universal access across devices, layout and font are displayed at full width, smooth animations and sound
Kenhub online Ability to watch anatomy and histology videos, ability to look at atlas illustrations, advanced quizzes, a super clever quiz algorithm, mobile responsive design, ability to track learning progress across devices
Kenhub offline (Daily Anatomy Quiz App) Ability to take basic anatomy identification quizzes, flashcard learning, a super clever quiz algorithm

The simple answer, however, is: no. But we wouldn't write a whole article about it just to disappoint you, would we? The longer answer is that you probably don't need one. Why? Because Kenhub works just as well as an app on any device and in some cases it's actually better.

Let us show you what we mean.

  1. What makes the Kenhub website better than a Kenhub app?
  2. Kenhub is fully responsive
    1. Universal access across devices
    2. Clarity
    3. Interactivity
  3. Still hung up on a Kenhub app?
    1. Option 1: Use Kenhub like an app
    2. Option 2: Use the Daily Anatomy quiz app
  4. Kenhub website vs. Daily Anatomy quiz app
    1. Available at Kenhub (internet connection required):
    2. Available on Daily Anatomy quiz app (NO internet connection required):
  5. Sources
+ Show all

What makes the Kenhub website better than a Kenhub app?

Kenhub website on mobile

How does a fully responsive Kenhub website compare to a Kenhub app? You may be wondering.

...And for that matter, what exactly does fully responsive even mean?

We're glad you asked. But first, some context. Many mobile users experience the following problem when visiting a website on a device other than their desktop: scrolling, zooming and scrolling some more through a frustrating, unorganised mess in order to find the information they are looking for. Despite having an appealing and manageable front end design when viewed on a desktop, many websites fail to deliver a pleasant browsing experience on mobile and tablet devices.

But not Kenhub.

Kenhub is fully responsive

When a website is responsive, the layout and/or content of the core website adapts depending on the size of the screen it is presented on. Features such as the dimensions of the screen, resolution and orientation of a device dictate the relevant adjustment of the original web content and layout for the user. In a nutshell: responsive websites automatically adapt to fit the device you are reading it on. 

And that's exactly what Kenhub delivers!

Learn why Kenhub is a faster, easier and more effective anatomy app alternative

This offers many advantages for you, but perhaps most importantly, it means that you can use Kenhub quickly, easily and without confusion. Whether you are scrolling through Kenhub on your desktop whilst at at your desk, taking a Kenhub quiz on your tablet whilst curled up on the sofa, or reading a Kenhub article on your mobile as you travel to university, Kenhub can be easily integrated into your daily routine - no matter where you are or what device or operating system you have available.

Kenhub is fully responsive across devices

Yep - iOS and Android, we’re looking at you. Kenhub likes you both equally, so it's time to put those competitive squabbles behind you once and for all!

Universal access across devices

Perhaps most importantly of all, users are able to access the same information relating to their account regardless of which device they access the Kenhub website on. This means that all of your learning progress and statistics remain intact whether you use a mobile device, tablet or desktop. Your hard earned progress isn’t going anywhere!


We knew it was important for anatomical structures to be clearly and easily recognizable for you, independent of your chosen device. Layout and font size have therefore been adjusted so that for small screens, the illustrations are displayed at full screen width.


In addition, when operating Kenhub on mobile and tablet devices, we wanted you to be able to experience the same smooth operation and quality as you would with the desktop platform. Animations and sound need to run smoothly without delays or glitches, no matter what the device. So we made that happen.

All in all, with we have shown that interactive e-learning is platform independent, and can provide a great way to learn anatomy no matter what device you use.

Have you signed up for a Kenhub Premium account yet? With a Premium account, you have complete access to our huge library of quizzes, videos, articles, atlas and awesome anatomy geeks to help you whenever you're stuck.

Get Kenhub Premium

Still hung up on a Kenhub app?

There are actually two ways to get an app experience with Kenhub. Let’s look at the first way, which involves a little-known trick to use the full Kenhub website just like an app.

Option 1: Use Kenhub like an app

When using common mobile web browsers like Safari, Google Chrome, Firefox and Opera, you can save Kenhub to your mobile home screen, and use the website without the browser URL and buttons.

Addding Kenhub to your mobile home screen allows you to use the website just like an app.

Want to give it a try? It's free and only takes a matter of seconds to install. Find step-by-step set-up instructions for your mobile browser here. 

Option 2: Use the Daily Anatomy quiz app

Another option is to use our Daily Anatomy quiz app. This app was made in conjunction with our partner site Daily Anatomy, our testing laboratory for experimenting with ideas and projects that could one day make their way to Kenhub.

So what does the Daily Anatomy app offer, and how can you use it?

Firstly, it can be used on the go, and without any prior anatomical knowledge. This means that you can use this anatomy app anytime, anywhere, regardless of your internet connection!

The Daily Anatomy app introduces you to the most important anatomical structures across 9 topics:

  1. Terminology
  2. Upper limb
  3. Lower limb
  4. Thorax
  5. Spine and back
  6. Abdomen
  7. Head and neck
  8. Pelvic girdle and floor
  9. Neuroanatomy
Daily Anatomy Quiz App Packages

This anatomy app begins with the basics, and challenges you with questions increasing in difficulty as you gain experience and progress through the app over time. Through the scientific learning technique known as spaced repetition, you will gradually improve, as your mistakes are being actively revised. This is what really allows you to solidify your anatomy knowledge and, more importantly, retain this knowledge over time.

Daily Anatomy quiz app

After selecting the topics you want to learn, the app teaches you to memorise the shape and location of the given anatomical structure. In the first part of the quiz, you will therefore see an anatomical term presented with its corresponding atlas illustration highlighted in green.

Once you begin the fun part -actually answering the questions- you'll be asked to identify the name of the highlighted structure or the term that describes what you see on the screen.

And it's that simple. You can then progress through the different anatomical topics and watch as your anatomy knowledge grows by the minute.

Kenhub website vs. Daily Anatomy quiz app

To conclude, let us take a look at the differences between using Kenhub online versus Kenhub offline, in the form of the Daily Anatomy quiz app.

Available at Kenhub (internet connection required):

  • Ability to watch thousands of videos on anatomy and histology
  • Thousands of anatomy, histology and medical imaging atlas illustrations
  • Ability to take advanced quizzes (identification quizzes, question bank quizzes, muscle fact quizzes, custom quizzes, revision quizzes)
  • Clever algorithm that identifies your weak areas and quizzes you accordingly
  • Mobile responsive design
  • Ability to keep track of your learning progress across devices

Available on Daily Anatomy quiz app (NO internet connection required):

  • Ability to take basic anatomy identification quizzes
  • Flashcard format of learning
  • Clever algorithm that identifies your weak areas and quizzes you accordingly

But do you want to hear the best part? You don't have to choose between the two! You can use BOTH, depending on your specific needs at a given point.

Our Kenhub website offers a user experience very similar to that of an app. The take home message? Don't be shy to use Kenhub on your mobile just as you would with a Kenhub app, because the differences are minimal. All you need is an internet connection, and you're good to go forth and conquer anatomy!

Get Kenhub Premium

© Unless stated otherwise, all content, including illustrations are exclusive property of Kenhub GmbH, and are protected by German and international copyright laws. All rights reserved.

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