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Which languages and terminologies are available?

You can use Kenhub in four different languages: EnglishGerman, Portuguese, Spanish and French.

Additionally, you can select Latin terminology.


Switching the language only requires one click on the links ENDE, or PT, which you'll find on the top of every page.

Change Language - desktop
Change language - mobile

But wait, there is more...


Kenhub is fully available in Latin and English terminologies.


If you take a quiz about the muscles of the shoulder and arm, the quiz will show and ask you about terms based on the terminology you chose. 

If you picked Latin terminology, a question asking you to identify the biceps brachii muscle would show you Musculus biceps brachii. If you picked English terminology, the structure would be shown as Biceps brachii muscle.

English vs Latin terminology

This change will also be reflected when you view the atlas, with the terminology you selected deciding the primary term given to a structure. In the example below, the terminology is set to Latin, so you'll see Plexus nervosus submucosus as the primary term, and Meissner's plexus as the secondary term in English.

Atlas page - Latin terminology

You can easily change the terminology language from the user menu on all pages. All you need to do is click on your name on the top right of the page and go to Account details.

Here you will see an option called Term language, which allows you to toggle between English and Latin terminologies. Click on it, et voilà: You are ready to go!

This works in the same way for German and Portuguese.

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