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Greater trochanter of femur

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Anatomy and function of the thigh bone.

The greater trochanter of femur is a prominent, palpable bony projection located on the upper lateral aspect of the proximal femur and can be felt on the upper lateral side of the thigh. It extends superolaterally from the junction of the neck and shaft of the femur, which is marked by the intertrochanteric line.

The anterolateral surface of the greater trochanter features an elongated ridge, to which the gluteus minimus muscle attaches. Its lateral surface has a similar ridge, positioned more posteriorly, for the attachment of the gluteus medius. On its medial surface, the greater trochanter features a deep depression known as the trochanteric fossa.

The primary function of the greater trochanter is to serve as an attachment site for several muscles in the hip region. Notably, it provides attachments for muscles responsible for abducting and rotating the thigh, including parts of the gluteus medius and gluteus minimus muscles, as well as the piriformis, obturator internus, and the superior and inferior gemelli. Additionally, the greater trochanter serves as an attachment point for hip ligaments, which contribute to the stability and integrity of the hip joint.

Terminology English: Greater trochanter of femur

Trochanter major ossis femoris
Definition Prominent bony projection on the lateral aspect of the proximal femur
Function Attachment site for muscles that move and stabilize the hip joint

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