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I can't log in

Having problems logging into Kenhub? No worries, we’ve got you covered! Here are some things you can try, which normally resolve most login problems.

Finding where to log in

You can find our login page here or by clicking on Login on the right top of the Kenhub website.

Make sure you use the right email address

Maybe you have more than one email address (for example, Gmail, Yahoo, etc.)? Your Kenhub account might be connected to a different email address than what you remembered, so check other possible email addresses if you can’t log in with the first one you try.

Alternatively, do you still have some emails from us in your inbox? They could give you a hint as to which email address you used when you registered. You might also have more than one Kenhub account for different email addresses (for example a Basic account linked to one email address, and a separate Premium account linked to another).

Make sure you use the correct login method

When creating a Kenhub account, you can choose to log in with your email address and a password, or via Google or Facebook. If you’re having problems logging in, make sure you’ve chosen the same login method you signed up with.

Check your password again or reset it

It happens to all of us sometimes! Please make sure that you type in your password correctly (if you chose to log in with your email address and a password - for the login via Google or Facebook, no separate password is needed). If you forgot your password you can easily reset it with these 3 steps:

  • Click on "Forgot my password" on the login page
  • Enter your email address and then click on "Reset password"
  • Check your inbox - you will have received an email with a reset link
Reset password

Browser issues

Another thing worth checking is whether you have any browser plugins, for example ad blockers. Kenhub shows no ads, so those plugins are more likely to cause trouble than help you. If you're having problem logging in, changing your browser, or using private browsing mode can also help some times.

Contact us

If you're still having problems logging in after checking the steps listed above, then please let us know by sending an email to [email protected]. We'll help you to find a solution.

© Unless stated otherwise, all content, including illustrations are exclusive property of Kenhub GmbH, and are protected by German and international copyright laws. All rights reserved.

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