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Gluteal region

Recommended video: Body regions [17:34]
Overview of the different anatomical regions of the human body.

The gluteal region, also known as the buttocks, belongs to the posterior surface of the lower limb and is located inferior to the lower back.

It lies external to the pelvic cavity and extends from the iliac crest of the bony pelvis to the gluteal folds. Medially, it is separated by an intergluteal cleft, while laterally, it is bordered by the hip region.

The gluteal region consists of the gluteal muscles and other clinically important neurovascular structures. The muscles of the gluteal region are mainly innervated by branches of the sacral plexus, including the superior and inferior gluteal nerves.

The gluteal muscles act on the hip joint during walking, running, standing and sitting and have weight bearing functions, including maintaining the horizontal balance of the pelvis. Most of these muscles are supplied by branches of the internal iliac artery.

Terminology English: Gluteal region
Synonym: Buttocks

: Regio glutea
Synonym: Clunes, Nates, Regio glutealis
Definition The gluteal region is located inferior to the lower back and comprises the posterior part of the pelvic area.

Learn more about the regions of the back and buttocks with this study unit:

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