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Video: Cranial nerve nuclei

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Cranial nerve nuclei [46:42]
Cranial nerve nuclei in the brainstem seen from lateral and medial views.


1:29 Cranial nerve nuclei overview
6:24 Optic nerve CNII
9:22 Oculomotor nerve CNIII
12:17 Trochlear nerve CNIV
14:12 Trigeminal nerve CNV
19:24 Abducens nerve CNVI
20:59 Facial nerve CNVII
25:10 Vestibulocochlear nerve CNVIII
29:27 Glossopharyngeal CNIX
33:13 Vagus nerve CNX
38:21 Accessory nerve CNXI
39:12 Hypoglossal nerve CNXII
40:29 Extrapyramidal system and nuclei
41:54 Clinical notes

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