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Subcutaneous tissue

Recommended video: Integumentary system [19:28]
Structure and layers of the skin.

The subcutaneous tissue, also called the hypodermis, is a layer of adipose tissue attached to the deep aspect of the dermis. The skin consists of three main layers called the epidermis, dermis and the hypodermis. The epidermis is the outermost layer, while the hypodermis or subcutaneous layer being the deepest skin layer.

The hypodermis is filled with subcutaneous nerves, vessels, lymphatics and sweat glands. It specifically contains the platysma muscle in the head and neck

It increases the mobility of the skin, thermally insulates the body, acts as a shock absorber and is a source of energy. Additionally, it provides structural support for the skin and serves as an attachment site for the underlying muscles and fascia. 

Many types of medications can be delivered via injection into the subcutaneous tissue (subcutaneous injection), as these are absorbed more slowly than when injected directly into a blood vessel.

Terminology English: Subcutaneous tissue
Synonym: Hypodermis

: Tela subcutanea
Synonym: Hypodermis
Definition The subcutaneous tissue or hypodermis, is a layer of adipose tissue and the deepest skin layer.
Function Thermoregulation, shock absorption, energy storage

Learn more about the components of the integumentary system in the following study unit:

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