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Claudia Bednarek, MD

Medical Content

Claudia studied medicine at the Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg in Germany and after graduation worked as a junior doctor in general surgery at Klinikum Leer.

Living in New Zealand for 2 years offered the opportunity to work as a laboratory technician with focus on female reproductive health and cancer screening at the Southern Community Laboratories in Dunedin.

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Kenhub helps students from around the world to learn better. We are committed to providing healthcare students with high-quality, reliable and accurate information about the human body. All information on our website is grounded on academic literature and research, validated by experts, and trusted by more than 5 million users. We follow the highest educational and scientific standards. The authors of our articles are medical students, junior doctors, or postgrads who are passionate about anatomy, histology and medical education. Kenhub does not offer medical advice. Read more.